Valexia French visual artist based in Prague

About me

Valexia was born in France and grew up in Provence where she studied visual arts at the university. Then she moved to Prague to learn the glass art and finally, because she had the possibility to get a studio, she decided to stay and work there. She had the opportunity to participate in lot of exhibitions and to collaborate with art collectors. Following the economic crisis of 2007/2008, she took a break to work as a pastry chef, it will become a decade of culinary experience. Since 2018, she has been returning to the artistic field, embarking once again on her passion, the visual arts, and also starting to explore writing again.

My artistic approach

"The place of art in my life as well as in society, and the importance of our relationship with beauty, are, in my view, fuelled by questions about the origin of life, and so by the emergence of a cosmological point of view. As early as when I was writing the thesis which was ending my visual arts degree, I developed the idea of the void as an in-between in a space where matter is a particular form of energy. This initial reflection on my work has already led to the idea of a personal cosmology. I revealed my fascination with emptiness, an energy void, a full void, a breath of life, a somewhat vague idea of the Taoist void that I find myself discovering today between the lines of the new quantum sciences. This study of the infinitely small and the infinitely large, from physics to cosmology, fascinates me and reinforces my vision of a poetic balance in the world, and of an ever stronger intuition that the real is not what we see. I like to propose a poetic language that uses the philosophical questions posed by the new quantum sciences to question our spirituality, to access our transcendence. Classically, I think that the imagination is an essential poetry to align with our inner dimension:"

Solo Exhibition : 



"I do not see ", Antonín Navrátil Exhibition hall, Prague


"La mémoire de l’eau", Viktor Oliva Gallery, Cultural center, Nové Strašecí, CZ.


"The Consciousness Of The Living And The Memory Of Water"Antonín Navrátil Exhibition hall, Prague.


"People Leading the Liberty", Central Bohemian Museum, Roztoky


"Mémoire du futur"  Gorlice space, National cultural monument, Prague.


"Les Ombres du cœur"  European House Gallery, Pilsen, CZ. 


"Valexia", French Institute, Atrium Gallery, Pilsen, CZ. 

"Mutations", Louvre Gallery, Prague.

"Les Solitudes", Gambit Gallery , Prague.

"Valexia- French Artist", Divadelni Gallery, Uherské Hradiště, CZ.


"Valexia- French Artist", Nová síň Gallery, Prague.


"...du discours et du portrait, tout un paysage", Romanian Embassy, Prague.

Group Exhibition :



        "Spolu 3" - NSPU, New Town Hall Gallery, Prague

        « Alchymie / střed-hoří » - NSPU, Vodní Hrad, Budyně nad Ohří , CZ.


""Connected Diversity", Together International Art Symposium, Reingers, A

"Hlava", Antonín Navrátil Exhibition hall, Prague.

"No limits"  Intersalon, Staré Město pod Landštejnem, CZ.

"Spolu 2" - New Town Hall Gallery, Prague.

"Du Danube à la Vltava, les rives de la Seine", Central Bohemian Museum, Roztoky. CZ

"Spolu" - Kladno Castle Gallery, Kladno. CZ


Žížkovský Montmartre, Antonín Navrátil Exhibition hall, Prague.

The New Association Of Prague Artists, Prague.


The New Association Of Prague Artists, Prague.


Art En Capital,  Art Fair, The Grand Palais, Paris.


Art Prague,  Indigo Space Gallery, International Contemporary Art Fair, Prague.

117Ème Salon Des Artistes Indépendants Espace Champerret, Paris.

Art En Capital, Art Fair, The Grand Palais, Paris.

"Prague – New Choice Project", Nová Síň Gallery and Prague City Hall, Prague.


ARTENIM -Zamecka Gallery, International Contemporary Art Fair, Nîmes, F.

"Vltavotýnské dvorky", Municipale Gallery, Týn nad Vltavou, CZ.

"Litografie", La Femme Gallery, Prague.                               

"Alius et Idem", Morzini Palace, Romanian Embassy, Prague.    


ARTENIM – Louvre Gallery, International Contemporary Art Fair, Nîmes, F.

ARTPRAGUE – Louvre Gallery, International Contemporary Art Fair , Prague.


"Francophonie l'Art d'être ensemble", Czech Parliament Gallery, Prague.

"21 Centuries after the Christ", Nová Síň Gallery, Prague.



2016   Diploma of Higher Education in Taste, Gastronomy and Art of fine dining

Le Cordon Bleu Paris and University of Reims Champagne-Ardennes, FR.

2000   Master of Fine Arts

 University of Aix-Marseille Provence, FRANCE. 



Curatorial Projects 


2023   "Du Danube à la Vltava, les rives de la Seine", Central Bohemian Museum, Roztoky. CZ

2005   "Alius et Idem", Morzini Palace, Romanian Embassy, Prague. CZ

2003   "Francophonie l'Art d'être ensemble", Czech Parliament Gallery, Prague. CZ



Chemin de vie, poetry, Les Éditions du Net, 2021.

 Création culinaire d'une française en BohêmeLes Éditions du Net, 2021   

Valex portrait2022